Secured Loan Quote Form - Loanable | Secured Loan Specialists

Best Loan Rates For October 2024

Your Secured Loan Quote.

  • FCA authorised. No credit checks without asking you first.

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Representative Example: If you borrow £15,000 over 10 years. Initially, on a fixed rate for 5 years at 5.10% and for the remaining 5 years on the lender’s standard variable rate of 5.05%, you would make 60 monthly payments of £184.29 and 60 monthly payments of £185.99. The total amount of credit is £17495; the total repayable would be £22,216.80 (this includes a Lender fee of £995 and a broker fee of £1,500). The overall cost for comparison is 8.8% APRC representative.

Rates between 3.4% to 29.% APRC. Repayment terms between 3 and 30 years.

As a mortgage is secured against your home, it could be repossessed if you do not keep up the mortgage repayments.
Think carefully before securing other debts against your home

If you are thinking of consolidating existing borrowing you should be aware that you may be extending the terms of the debt and increasing the total amount you repay.